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The Importance of Political Action Committees

Ohio State Medical Association Alliance Presents:

Political Action Committees and Their Importance

Through the Eyes of the OSMA-A With Joe Rosato, Interviewed by Dee Talmage

Political Action Committees (PACs) act as a natural extension of the democratic process to get people involved in the political process. A legislator can help create and pass policies that benefit a particular group. PACs can also assist a candidate by helping to fund the campaign. The funds are used for direct mailings, radio and television advertisements, and more traditional campaign items such as pens, pencils, and stickers.

PACs are highly regulated by both state and federal laws.

PACs are required to periodically file campaign finance reports of all receipts and expenditures. This allows the campaign contribution process to be open to the general public in order to see how much money is going where as well as the origin of the funds.

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